It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words -- Then I guess by extension, a video should be worth altleast a hundred pictures.
They are called 400day or Anniversary clocks because they will run for 400 days on one winding. The concept is to wind them once a year either on your anniverary or birthday and then forget about them till your next anniversary or birthday. They are not great time keepers but with good work you can get them to within a minute per month.
Both these clocks (plus one more that I don't have a video for) had been in long time storage and had not been working.
All of them were disassembled, cleaned, reassembled, oiled and timed. All of them needed new suspension springs and original Horolovar springs were sourced and put in.
The clock on the left is a Kundo and the one on the right is a Shatz with a manufacture date of April 1965.